I first began using a digital pen tablet back when I originally made this site with my family’s Macintosh. Almost 99% of the Little Yellow Guy’s art was done in Dabbler, using my old school Wacom pad. I think it was almost 5 x 4 inches if I remember correctly. Tiny, but quite useful.
Shortly after getting my own Windows PC, I bought another cheap Wacom pad to replace the Macintosh one I could no longer use. The Graphire 2 tablet I currently own works admirably, but it doesn’t seem anywhere near as smooth or accurate as my old serial pad. It’s imperfections are a big reason why I don’t do much digital art anymore.
I’ve always liked the thought of using a tablet type system, and on several occasions I debated as to whether I should break down an buy a Tablet PC. For one reason or another, I’ve put the thought into the back of my mind.
And now comes along the tablet above all other tablets: the Wacom Cintiq. I had seen advertisements for these before, but the sticker shock has always scared me away. I thought owning one, let alone using one, was a pipe dream.
But recently I saw a live video of one of them in action, and now I’m in complete and utter awe. The video must really be seen. The tablet is so much larger than what I thought it was going to be. It must be amazing to even be within it’s gigantic presence.
Of course, it’s still like a million dollars (about $3000 to be exact). But hey, I could always lease one right?