The Blobber: The T-Shirt?

For folks that know me, it’s pretty apparent that I’m addicted to the fine quality t-shirts provided by My closet has a cornucopia of rainbow colored shirts which are decorated with imagery and phrases that I only seem to find interesting. It’s a simple pleasure that makes casual Fridays all the more enjoyable… at least for me.

So I’ve debated submitting my own designs for their competitions before, but I never got around to it. Their current catalog is driven by user-created submissions that are voted on by the users themselves. Popular items get a higher ranking and might possibly be turned into real live shirts.

Enter the logo for the Blobber.

The Blobber: T-shirt variant

The Blobber used to be the mascot for a short lived web site put together by my coworkers, which resided at oddly enough The site no longer exists, and the Blobber is no more. The basis for the site were a bunch of silly eating competitions we dreamed up, and we’ve since outgrown that. Pics from its humorous history can be found in my boss’ Flickr albums if you are interested. Our motto was: “Masticating for your pleasure”.

I’m quite proud of the Illustrator work I did on this piece oh so long ago. I still feel it holds up, and so I figured I’d submit it to the latest Threadless competition just for the heck of it. The original had a much larger, softer color palette; but I was required to reduce the unique color amount to 4 because of the rules for the competition. Two different variants of the original can be found here on white and here on black (my fave).

It still has to be approved in order to be voted on, but as soon as it is (prolly when I’m travelling abroad oddly enough), I’ll be whoring for votes left and right from whomever I know.

If I can, I’ll post again when voting becomes available. At such time, I’d really appreciate a vote or two. Feel free to be honest with your opinion, but think of the possibility of wearing such a magnificant shirt for your casual Friday…