Just two bottles away from finishing off the Jones Holiday Pack from 2005. With just the two left, the final pre-turkey day beverage was the Jones Pumpkin Pie Soda.
I had higher hopes for this one over the Brussels Sprout and Wild Herb Stuffing drinks. I assumed that with it being dessert themed, it would actually be pleasant tasting and be more along the lines of the cranberry flavored one.
As I had done with the others, I first partook of the beverage’s aroma. The scent definitely smelled like what manufactured pumpkin pie would smell like. Almost like a scented candle from this time of year.
The first sip led to the standard, “Ugh, sugar free” reaction. Nothing like trying to make something taste good by leaving out the sugar.
The flavor was bland and about as strong as I had expected. It was “pumpkiny”, but nothing to really say this was made from pumpkins.
I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that for the majority of these holiday themed drinks; they simply carbonate the water, add some food coloring, and then add the essence of said flavor so at least your nose helps with the illusion. I’d imagine that if you couldn’t smell or had a stuffy nose, these drinks would pretty much taste like diet seltzer.