- Ask the Floating Cat
Come visit the section which is the namesake of this here website. Go visit the Floating Cat and be sure to ask him a question or two. You just might be surprised by his answers.
- Little Yellow Guys
The Little Yellow Guys are the original mini-mascots for this website, and they have decided to stick around on this site for the long haul. A multitude of different activities are available ranging from visiting their home to joinging them at the playground. You can also visit them in their personal Winter Village.
- The Grilled Cheese Factory
Ever need to make a ton of grilled cheese sandwiches? Struggling for the perfect formula to accomplish this task? Well visit the Grilled Cheese Factory and learn the magical secret to this problem.
- Floating Cat Shrimp Chase
The Floating Cat Shrimp Chase is a simple Flash game in the style of classic arcade games. The instructions are simple. Use your mouse to lead the Floating Cat to the tiny pieces of shrimp across the screen. Hold down the left-mouse button to fly faster and collect the shrimp for combination bonuses. It's deceptively simple, but there are strategies for getting higher scores.
- Sifl & Olly's Blackjack
Sifl & Olly was a short lived television show on MTV. We used to run a fan site for it called sockheads.com. One of the games I created for the site was a continuation of a skit from the show. So I still have a copy of it on this site. It's quite a well done game of Blackjack if I do say so myself.
- Little Yellow Guy's Easter Garden
Do you like Easter? Do you like the game of Memory? If so, then this game is for you.
- Little Yellow Guy's Haunted House
Do you like Halloween? Do you like mazes? If so, then this game is for you. Sounds almost like deja vu doesn't it?
- Avocado: The Whole Truth
Wanna see what kind of humor I wrote in college? Care to see the conspiracy I cooked up regarding avocados? Like guacamole? Then you might like what you'll find here.
- The Realm of the Avocado
A single pre-cursor page to Avocado: The Whole Truth. Still somewhat funny. My mom says so...
- Rusted Halo
In November of 2004, I along with a friend of mine decided to attempt that years NaNoWriMo challenge. The task was to write 50,000+ words of fiction within 30 days. Luckily I finished, and you can read the first draft right here online.
- Bag of Snow
With my ego in tow, I tried my hand at writing another 50,000 word novel. Using the same universe as Rusted Halo, I wrote a much "happier" story within my fantasy world. I also completed the challenge again just shy of finishing the novel. Too bad it is stuck at a cliffhanger.
- Raining Cats (not Dogs)
In some attemps to learn better Flash actionscripting, I built these two variants on a gravity simulator. One that uses falling cats and meow sounds, and one that is far less annoying and serene.