"Squash, Microsoft, and Alien Brain Eggs"
(Last Updated May 7, 2000)
Is there any Avocado connection with the Spice Girls?- |
No, the Spice Girls have nothing to do with the avocado invasion. The avocado influence has been centered within the US. Avocados can't swim, and therefore they have never gotten to Britain or the UK. Therefore an avocado has never met a Spice Girl. |
"What is the connection between Cunanan and Avocado? Don't just tell me the avocado drove him crazy, I won't believe it." -Susan |
Ouch, this is a touchy subject. Okay, well let's get people up to speed on this thing. Andrew Cunanan is the suspected killer of fashion designer, Gianni Versace. Cunanan is an accused serial killer and is one of the FBI's 10 most wanted. Versace was a famous fashion designer who lived in Miami, Florida, which is where he was killed. |
"I've been looking very closely at the Mars Pathfinder images, and one more than one occasion I've seen what looks like the tail end of an avocado ducking behind a rock. Is it possible that the avocado powers-that-be have sent avocado frontrunners to stake out territory on this new frontier?" - Fran Fabrizio |
Very observant Fran. But what you don't realize is that they aren't staking out the "new frontier", Mars is actually their home spawning ground! In reality, that is why whenever we hear about Martians they are called "Little Green Men". And as a matter of fact, the Mars Pathfinder is very upsetting to the avocados. Their vast congressional power couldn't halt the launching of this mission, which could essentially expose their presence on the Red Planet. It is this possibility that I suggest you believers out there take advantage of. Here is what I suggest you do: First break out the magnifying glasses and scan every millimeter of each image until you can find proof. Then once you do this, take the image to a print shop and have them make a T-shirt with the image and the phrase "Avocados on Mars!" printed on it. Then once you do this, be sure to get the same image tattooed on the back of your neck. But make sure it is reversed so that you can only view it in a mirror. Now go out to a large public space, wear your T-shirt, and scream at the top of your lungs "Avocados on Mars!". Then when the police (who'll probably be under the power of the avocados) arrive, arrest you, and take away your T-shirt; you'll still have the tattoo on your neck and proof that avocados live on Mars. |
Are there any safe fruits and vegetables out there? |
As far as I know, I know of but one good fruit. I'm pretty sure that most fruits and vegetables are harmless (in that they won't attack you), but I can really only speak for one... the fig. For those of you who don't know what a fig is, it is a small purple fruit that grows on trees and is similar in shape to a pear. Generally they have a milky sap, feel like prunes, and are related to the mulberry. ![]() Cute isn't he? It is because of him and his million little buddies that we are able to dream at night. (Oh and by the way, nightmares are the result of vultures who drop nightmare-bombs, just in case you wanted to know...) |
Here is a theory presented by a nonbeliever named Jack... |
"Interesting theories, but you are mistaken. WHEAT and related grains are the true enemy, being the most powerful organism on the planet. WHEAT, you see, has been manipulating the human race since we moved on from being simple hunter-gatherers to developing agricultural systems - we are the slaves of WHEAT, in that we constantly strive to produce new strains that are resistant to fungus, pests etc. Back in the shadowy past, WHEAT was a sentient organism (all WHEATs and associated grains are in fact part of a vast single organism) capable of communication with humans and IT persuaded our naive ancestors to cultivate and feed off the mighty WHEAT so that it might realize its ultimate goal - to cover the surface of the earth in an insulating layer of dense grains, and so cause a form of internal global warming which will eventually cause the planet to combust and project special WHEAT seeds into the furthest reaches of our galaxy where they can do evil to other innocent civilizations. Rumours that WHEAT has enlisted the help of the CIA, the Illuminati, Freemasons, NASA and Elvis are, of course, utterly true. |
"I'm curious Andy; they are reporting a shortage of Avocados in Phoenix right now. I think they're hiding out, planning their next attack on society. What do you think?" - Jessica |
Jessica, |
Here is a theory that worries me... It seems that the Avocado menace is spreading further north... |
"I don't know if you're based in the States or not, but here in Canada, the government has introduced a new $2 coin. This coin appears to be made of two separate metal disks that are pressed together, one inside another. In fact, these two metals form a battery to power the micro-voice recorder held within. That, coupled with the hidden cameras in vending machines, allows THEM (whoever they may be!) to capture your voice, (micro recorder), your finger prints, (from the surface of the coin) and a mug shot of you from the vending machine. Who knows, they may have even figured out a way to allow these incredible devices to read your credit card as they sit in your wallet waiting for use! |
Digest the avocados! DIGEST THEM!!!! |
"I have always had a hard time talking about this but I feel stronger and stronger each time I tell it. I was personally abducted by and entire legion of avocado rebels. They overheard me in my favorite restaurant asking the waiter to hold the guacamole. As I was leaving the restaurant it happened, They took me to their headquarters and forced me to water their seedlings. I have to warn you they have a huge warehouse full of contraband. They are the ones that caused the great shovel, and hoe shortage of the 70's. Yes they have all the equipment they need to harvest on the millennium. Everyone must be on alert, the next time you see an avocado YOU MUST DIGEST IT!! as gruesome as it may sound you have to do it, if all humans cannot come together to fight this horrible seize, all humans will perish. Just like Andrew Cunanan, and the heaven's gate cult, Of course you all know that if you play that video tape backwards they are all worshiping the avocado. Once again this is my plea to the human race..the blender is our only salvation I must go it is time to water now.....PLEASE AVENGE ME"- Danny
"I am sure that the CHICKEN disease is somehow attached to this Avocado thing! (you know where they had to kill ALL the chickens in china or something like that!). I always haven't trusted those avocados for some unknown reason - but now I know why!!!" - Beferoni! |
Um, the latest I've heard about the Chinese Chicken Disease is that the meat that is found from them has to do with some brain disorder in Britain. Also the milk that they give is also said to be tainted. In addition to this their spots have been rumored to invert their colors from black and white to white and black. Finally their "moo's" make a much louder "moo" and their... oh wait... those aren't chickens are they? Those are cows... Hmm, okay... chickens, chickens, what to say about chickens... Um, I've heard that several large flocks of zombie chickens have risen in Louisiana and begun eating the townspeople. But I wouldn't worry about them coming to your local KFC (give them a good week or 2 before they show up in your town), worry about the Avocados! |
"[What about] Army colors... They're everywhere..." - Green |
Actually there is a funny story to how the green army colors occurred. It seems that back in the days prior to W.W.I, the US government planned on using sky blue as the color of choice for our military. The theory was that the US soldiers would blend into the sky as they fought. Obviously, it was found that soldiers were often too easy spot in these uniforms as they rarely jumped or flew by flapping they're arms. |
"Does Bob Dole have anything to do with breeding avocados? If so, is there any connection between how old he is and avocados?" - Anonymous |
First lets get the facts straight. Bob Dole is really only 25 years old. He just looks as old as he does because he doesn't smile much. So a lesson that can be learned is that if you smile more often and you won't age as fast as Bob Dole. A good example of this theory is actress Brooke Shields, who is in actuality 53. |
"I have read your first work- "The Realm of the Avocado" and noticed you said that one thing was disturbing you among other things. This was that you said Avocado was a color as well as a veggie. It's the same way with the fruit named the "orange". Is there a connection?" - Ethan |
Why yes as a matter of fact... there is a little known secret about oranges: THEY CAN KILL YOU! Yup, oranges can be deadly. So how can they be deadly you ask? Two words: Vitamin C. Yes, Vitamin C can kill you. You can die from Vitamin C poisoning because of a simple science fact:
"I think your conspiracy is exactly like mine but I believe it was potatoes because they grow even after you pull it out of the ground, pick all the stuff off of it, and leave it in your fridge for a month." - Arul |
You know what? I just love potatoes. I love them fried, baked, boiled, barbecued, sliced, chopped, diced, and minced. I also love potato chips, french fries, potato pancakes, scalloped potatoes, waffle fries, curly fries, steak fries, shoestring fries, hash browns that are shredded potatoes, hash browns that are chopped up potatoes, hash brown patties... heck any kind of hash browns! |
"Is there any connection to Slick Willy's sex scandal and/or Monica?" - Anonymous Again... |
"Slick Willy", as his friends call him, has no connection with the Avocados. He just drives a truck for a living, and on the side he sells used motor oil door to door from which he gets his name. Monica is his Cuban girlfriend of sixteen years and she currently has a broken leg, so she has been resting at the family motor home. They have a dog named Sprinkles and their favorite food is Cheetos. So even if they DID have a connection with the Avocados, I don't think it would make much of a difference since they are an isolated couple in Florida. |
"I think avocados are joining forces with the killer tomatoes and serial cilantro to form a Mexican food deception. stop the evil now." - Jeffrey Lan |
Hey everybody, let's have a sing along with the Theme from the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! |
"What has come out of Area 51, since the Avocado incident mentioned on your page, to prove that Avocado's are indeed run things?" - Emil Blackstone |
Well if you don't know already, Area 51 has been abandoned. Yep, no one works there anymore. The site got so much attention that they transplanted everything and everyone to a hidden mountain location in Utah. And if you think that I'm lying on this one... well let's just say I ain't. No kidding, look it up... for real... |
"I have various theories about the killer bees, ants plotting to take over the world and now avocados. My personal belief is that it is the mosquitos that are out to get us. I may be mistaken and they may be working with the avocados, but think about it. They appear in the summer when people are always out doors. They are constantly biting people.(I think the mosquito bite is a vain attempt to transmit poison to the humans, a poison which they haven't made strong enough yet.) So before I believe that it's the avocados that are out to get us, than I want some more proof that it is not the mosquitos or proof of an alliance between mosquitos and avocados." -Emily |
The Truth About Mosquito Bites... |
"I dont have a conspiracy just a question.... Is there any connections to why the Internet is so slow and the avocados? And Do the avocados have anything to do with the crazy weather going on right now?" - Sarah |
Yes there is a reason the Internet is so slow. The reason is because all the avocados have figured out how to use AOL and have started building and viewing Avocado Porn sites. Yup, avocado porn... and believe me, it's some nasty stuff. Don't believe me? Check out this link to see for yourself |
"YES!! I believe I am the moron who read the avocado story to the end. Do you have a rubber room in your house? I can think of better ways to spend your money--give it t me, and I'll stomp on every avocado I see." - El Sappo |
First off, there ain't no rubber room. Although the drywall does seem to have a nice "bounce" to it... |
"I believe. I believe. I believe. I believe. My dogs also believe. And my cats, too. They love to eat the evil flesh of the avocado. They like tomatoes too. I guess they are weird pets. Well they live with me, so what can I expect. Well, I can expect that they will support me, but what can I expect. Love your site. Maybe we could get the evil avocados on the EX-Files. OOH, OOH, think about bananas, they kinda look evil and they are all soft inside too!!!" - Janet |
Soft pulpy flesh... soft pulpy flesh... soft pulpy flesh... nuff said. |
"Last week during one of my midnight visits to the fridge..I discovered something very strange toward the back...like it was trying to hide behind the milk... it wasn't exactly shaped like an avocado ...but it was Horrible and green....do you think there could be some connection?" - Sleeplessjim |
The thing behind the milk probably wasn't an avocado. |
"Because I think I am an avocado I have been taken over. I am shaped like one before it turns over to reveal the alien inside!!! I have found out that an avocado can be killed by a banana, but you have to be careful that the banana isn't taken over by the avocado, and moves to Southern California. AS we say in the Midwest, the Land of ___ &___!! " -Don Fahs |
Ok guys, let's all go over to Don Fahs house and shove bananas down his throat! We need to purge him of the avocado influence! I say we go over there is about 30 minutes, I've got to go to the store and buy some more bunches of bananas. You all head over there and I'll meet you there... eventually... |
"<sob> the avacado has abosoloutly ruined my life...and you are adding to it. Upon reading your site i thought FINALLY!! someone who has become aware of the danger of these evil fruits. Then i see your page on avacado dip. DONT YOU KNOW????? it is just another way for the avacado to get into the human form and take it over!!!! The acids in our stomachs can only break down the avacado so much..then it takes over...it filtrates thruout your entire system and gradually you transform the eater into "one of them." Even more dangerous is that it fools your family and friends. It maintains the human form while small microbizms control your movements, thoughts, speach and habits. It can go on for years taking control of your life, all it needs is to maintain control of your nervous system....what does it take you ask? To eat one avacado a month. Yes thats all! Beware......its a dangerous fruit! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" - Sapphi |
Ahhhhhhhhh! RUN! Run for your lives!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! |
"I have a dilemma. Some people say that eating the avocado will save human kind from destruction, but others say it is a way for the avocado to manipulate us and take over our bodies. I, personally, have had traumatic experiences in the digestion of the avocado, and have suffered from fear of any close proximity to the avocado ever since. You are an expert. Is avoiding the digestion of avocadoes a good thing or a bad thing? Also, one of my friends is a member of the cult of the Subversive Pomegranate. I have been thinking of joining, but I want to make sure there is no connection between pomegranates and avocadoes and that I'm not being manipulated. Any insight?" - "Me" |
The simple answer to your question is that you are hallouscinting. You said you digested an avocado? Well there ya go... There is no cult of the Subversive Pomegranate, and worse yet your friends also aren't there as they don't exist. They are all hallouscinations, in fact this thing you think is the Internet really doesn't exist either...... |
"I think that squash (and other similar vegetables) are connected to the "Avacado Conspiracy". I mean look at the color they all at least start out as! Suspiciously like an the color of an avacado. Is this a coincidance? I don't think so. And look at zucchini as well, those things reproduce faster than rabbits - or coathangers! Other forms of squash are the same, so that, no matter how many you destroy, there are still at least 20 on the plant." - azul04 |
Well you are right to be worried about the squashes, as they are really avocados in disguise. Certain avocados tire of being the puke green that they all are, and so they spend some some time tanning out in the sun to turn themselves hues of yellow and orange. However, since most of these avocados are stupid they don't remember that an avocado left out in the sun too long loses its "evil" power. Once this happens, the avocado becomes a harmless vegetable. |
My conspiracy?
Ok, lotsa questions here and so here are my answers: |
"I have two simple questions, what do you think of "Veggie Tales". It's a show with little vegetables telling bible stories, and one of the tellers is an avocodo. My other question are there any good avocodos anywhere? If not were there ever?" - Christina |
I think Veggie Tales is clean, but I'm not positive. As for your question if there were any good avocados at any point and time, I'm not sure about that either. I've read some posts on alt.avocados.religion about "The Original" which was supposed to be a good and kind avocado, but again this could just as easily be myth. |
"I have five words:Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski" - Christina |
I have five words: Cuban Cigar Companies and Twinkies. Why Twinkies? Eh, it sounded funny at the time. |
"You say that there is only one good fruit. Then that means the cantalope must also be some kind of menace. Tell me about the cantalope's mission on this earth. Also, how can I put a stop to this terror? And is the cantalope any kind of ally with the avocado?" - Angel |
Ever notice how cantalopes look like alien brains with the veins all over their rind? Cantalopes are actually alien brain eggs. These eggs can hatch only if submersed in gelatin. The food companies powerless to wipeout the entire cantalope population, decided to instead ban Cantalope Jell-O. So that's why you can't find Catalope Jell-O in your local grocery stores. Er, what was your original question? |
"this is the most queerest cit on the web.cit" - lisa (kool13@prodgiy.net) |
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your honest thoughtful comment. |
"this is the most queerest cit on the web.cit" - lisa (kool13@prodgiy.net) |
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your honest thoughtful comment. |
"I have an Avocado stuffed animal and it disappeard the day after I went to your "Avodcado, The Whole Truth" website. And now when I re-visit this site I hear strange noises and the smell of glaucomole (spelling error) fills the room. At first I thought the smell was from a picnic outside and that my cat had made off with the stuffed avocado. But today I realized I was in danger when I found my favorite stuffed animal missing with a note saying " Give in, or pay the consequences"..... What do you think of this?Please post AND email me your response ( I have become afraid to visit your site ) AH!!! The smell of avocado is overwhelming I must leave...... write like the wind and Godspeed..." - Christina |
An avocado stuffed animal!?! What is coming to this world!?! What's next, an avocado commission? Oh, wait that already exists... |