This is an excerpt from an old public service film that I was luckily able to dig up. The premise of the film was a warning to individuals to beware the hypnotic influence of the avocado. Unfortunately, the makers of the film were too late to distribute it to the masses, as they were tragically killed in a horrific boiler explosion. It seems that the filmmakers were boiled alive by the "accident". All other copies of the film were destroyed in the explosion, and no effort was made to continue the campaign (i.e. funding for the project was cut... )
As seen in the film, the avocado can take complete control of the human mind. This is exactly what happened to the crew at Area 51. The first few scientists were the initial victims, but shortly after the entire installation had been taken over. It was the avocados that leaked the lies about the "Alien" crash, and they did it and to distract the public and cover their takeover.
The Area 51 installation was but a small victory for the avocado as you will soon learn.