Operation Guacamole...
The actual underground movement of Operation Guacamole was started several years ago by a group of militant, missionary, Mexican restaurant owners who noticed that the flesh of the avocado was appealing to many. Since that time, dead avocado flesh has been available in fine stores and restaurants everywhere.
As far as lone "fruits", a single avocado can be killed in numerous ways. Whether it be blunt object, cherry bomb, land mine, barbecue, shotgun, weed whacker, hand grenade, combat boot, baseball bat, stapler, steampress, keyboard, golf club, ceiling fan, Playdoh Fun Factory, Abrams tank, toaster oven, microwave, small child, big child, a small person who looks like a big child, electric drill, duct tape, wood chipper, icepick, hydrochloric acid, killer pigeon, killer pigeon on steroids, angry killer pigeon on steroids, dental floss, shotgun (again), Magic 8-ball, something pointy, something pointy on fire, something on fire that's pointy, tennis racquet, your teeth, someone else's teeth, butcher knife, little sister, John Tesh's piano, John Tesh's music, John Tesh, electric sander, bicycle spokes, steamroller, rolling pin, curling iron, hair dryer, hockey stick, liquid nitrogen, molten lava, dumbbells, barbells, Tinkerbell's, Super Soaker XP 3000000, all the king's horses, all the king's men, Goldilocks, Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Baby Bear, Tickle Me Elmo, a garbage truck, macaroni and cheese, cheese and macaroni, the Macarena, some French guy named Zeke, some German guy named Zeke, Zeke, the Spice Girls, a sewing machine, a twelve-inch pianist, hedge clippers, toenail clippers, LA Clippers, Selson Blue (it tingles), 4 calling birds, 3 French hens, 2 Turtle-doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree! I personally like dropping them into scolding water while they're still alive. If you listen hard enough you can hear them faintly scream. Heh, heh...
Now that you know that they can be killed read on to know how you can help the cause...